Thursday, January 6, 2011


Handicap : Disabilty; a human condition.. A HUMAN CONDITION...

What were the conditions.. i was not told... Did i break any rules? Or just ignored to follow it.. Makes any sense? i know; i'm confused too...

With everything within my grasp, with everything firmly secured, with everybody loving me completely, i am still feeling insecured.. still feeling lonely..

I am a handicapped man.

Its been a while since i went home.

Been on the roads for way too long; trying to find my way back home....

I love my job.. what i do.. where i've been... what i've seen.. but this thing i do is kinda drowning me...

I miss my mum, my dad... my gal.. and especially my buddies..

Its been so long since i hugged my mom, shook my dad's hand, kissed my gal, and fooled around with my buds..

They are all there, firmly placed.. but where am i?

I am here, but not there...

What if its too late?

Its raining on me and its cold...shivering cold... but i feel warmth just under my eyes.. and it ain't rain drops...

I am floating right now.. barely.. but what if i drown?? Where will i wander around?? Shit... even that rhymes..

I was on a chooper heading to south china sea on new years day while my family was having lunch together... everybody was with somebody.. i was beside an Indonesian who looked as lost as i was..

Some people feel lonely or heartbroken or even dejected.. when they lose someone they love..

What about me?? i have everybody yet i feel.. island..

Time management?? Proper Work segregation? Damn.. that sounds tooo machine...

I hope to swim ashore soon.. the tide is getting higher..

With everything blessed to be mine, i still feel cursed..

I am breathing , yet i'm suffocating..

I am a handicap.