Classic tamil films based on romance and love are nice because they have:
1. Decent romance
2. Abundance of love
3. Family values
4. Culture
5. Happily Ever After
And what do you getif you mix them all together... A Super Duper Hit!
And these are the 5 attributes i witnessed in Sasi and Nalini's Engagement / Love Life...
A classic couple that gave us a super hit love story...
Ever heard of "Swaptapadigal".. No? Well Google it then (i would love to elobrate but.... )
Well its also know as the 7 steps /wows to a wedding..
Below are the 5 steps that i witnessed towards their engagement.
Here goes...
1. Decent Romance
If you watch Sasi and Nal, they don't look like a wild or crazy-ly in love couple, or a boring snooty couple..
JUST NICE... JUST BEAUTIFUL... its like, when you have enough tasty food to fulfill your heart and stomach.. or enough knowledge to make you feel smart and secured... thats what they are, they are a decent couple... not to much.. not to little...
A couple, which when you look at, will enlighten a feel of love in you..
A couple, which when you speak to, will make you happy... or delighted..
A couple, which when you blend with, will make you wanna fall in love too...
And to your amazement, they "have been in love" since kindie days... so believe it or not, its a love that conquered 3 decades...
Even Y2K gave up..
Wow to that people!
2. Abundance of Love
Love as stated above, is not only for the engaged couple.. its an entirety.
Love between the a mother and her son, love between a daugther and her parents, love between a cool-headed dad and his son, who has a grasp over his responsibilities; thanks to love itself....
The whole place was filled with love..
Recently Sasi's mom was unfortunate to have experienced a mishap; which resulted in she having to limp when walking...
But that did not stop her from "limping" her way to the bride's house..
And the best part is... well.. take a look at the picture below..
Can you see their hands held together?
The loving husband and caring son guiding the woman of their lives into the brides house. Now, that is a dictionarial definition for the word "BOND".
3. Family Values
Two families coming together to celebrate the love between to beautiful people, without any boundries, diffrences and most importantly, with loads of love and respect.
Now, ain't that a fairy tale? No, it is a tale that will be told for years to come.
It's a lesson thought by them to people who still uphold ravaging aspects of life to wreck the love of many inspiring lovebirds....
True love is not between two, but the one that encircles the many.
4. Culture
A true, alive, breathing , moving, perfectly sculpured modern and cultured woman. A perfect example to all young indian girls who wants to be the modern yet a cultured Indian woman..
Nalini Karunanithi
5. Happily Ever After
As these two pledge to live happily ever after, the point is people, the will live. As to live thru love itself, is a "Happily Ever After".
Finaly, What is love? A word that has no definition? Poets have glorified love. Many battles have raged for the sake of love. Yet, it remains an enigma. Its beauty remains hidden. If you have found true love, you would know that love is a feeling like no other. It complements life and happiness.
Is Love spelled L-O-V-E?
Well, to me, on Feb 5th 2011, it was spelled, "S-A-S-I N-A-L-I-N-I.....
1. Decent romance
2. Abundance of love
3. Family values
4. Culture
5. Happily Ever After
And what do you getif you mix them all together... A Super Duper Hit!
And these are the 5 attributes i witnessed in Sasi and Nalini's Engagement / Love Life...
A classic couple that gave us a super hit love story...
Ever heard of "Swaptapadigal".. No? Well Google it then (i would love to elobrate but.... )
Well its also know as the 7 steps /wows to a wedding..
Below are the 5 steps that i witnessed towards their engagement.
Here goes...
1. Decent Romance
If you watch Sasi and Nal, they don't look like a wild or crazy-ly in love couple, or a boring snooty couple..
JUST NICE... JUST BEAUTIFUL... its like, when you have enough tasty food to fulfill your heart and stomach.. or enough knowledge to make you feel smart and secured... thats what they are, they are a decent couple... not to much.. not to little...
A couple, which when you look at, will enlighten a feel of love in you..
A couple, which when you speak to, will make you happy... or delighted..
A couple, which when you blend with, will make you wanna fall in love too...
And to your amazement, they "have been in love" since kindie days... so believe it or not, its a love that conquered 3 decades...
Even Y2K gave up..
Wow to that people!
2. Abundance of Love
Love as stated above, is not only for the engaged couple.. its an entirety.
Love between the a mother and her son, love between a daugther and her parents, love between a cool-headed dad and his son, who has a grasp over his responsibilities; thanks to love itself....
The whole place was filled with love..
Recently Sasi's mom was unfortunate to have experienced a mishap; which resulted in she having to limp when walking...
But that did not stop her from "limping" her way to the bride's house..
And the best part is... well.. take a look at the picture below..
Can you see their hands held together?
The loving husband and caring son guiding the woman of their lives into the brides house. Now, that is a dictionarial definition for the word "BOND".
3. Family Values
Two families coming together to celebrate the love between to beautiful people, without any boundries, diffrences and most importantly, with loads of love and respect.
Now, ain't that a fairy tale? No, it is a tale that will be told for years to come.
It's a lesson thought by them to people who still uphold ravaging aspects of life to wreck the love of many inspiring lovebirds....
True love is not between two, but the one that encircles the many.
4. Culture
A true, alive, breathing , moving, perfectly sculpured modern and cultured woman. A perfect example to all young indian girls who wants to be the modern yet a cultured Indian woman..
Nalini Karunanithi
5. Happily Ever After
As these two pledge to live happily ever after, the point is people, the will live. As to live thru love itself, is a "Happily Ever After".
Finaly, What is love? A word that has no definition? Poets have glorified love. Many battles have raged for the sake of love. Yet, it remains an enigma. Its beauty remains hidden. If you have found true love, you would know that love is a feeling like no other. It complements life and happiness.
Is Love spelled L-O-V-E?
Well, to me, on Feb 5th 2011, it was spelled, "S-A-S-I N-A-L-I-N-I.....