Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Good Riddance (Time of your Life)

Another turning point, a fork stuck in the road
Time grabs you by the wrist, directs you where to go
So make the best of this test, and don't ask why
It's not a question, but a lesson learned in time

It's something unpredictable, but in the end it's right.
I hope you had the time of your life.

So take the photographs, and still frames in your mind
Hang it on a shelf in good health and good time
Tattoos of memories and dead skin on trial
For what it's worth it was worth all the while

It's something unpredictable, but in the end it's right.
I hope you had the time of your life.

It's something unpredictable, but in the end it's right.
I hope you had the time of your life.

It's something unpredictable, but in the end it's right.
I hope you had the time of your life.

Come as You Are..

Come As You Are

Come as you are, as you were, as I want you to be.
As a friend, as a friend, as an old Enemy.
Take your time, hurry up, choice is yours, don't be late.
Take a rest, as a friend, as an old memory.

Memory ah, Memory ah, Memory ah.

Come doused in Mud, soaked in Bleach, as I want you to be.
As a trend, as a friend, as an old Memory ahhh.

Memory ahh, Memory ahh, Memory ahh.

And I swear that I don't have a gun
No, I don't have a gun
No, I don't have a gun


Memory ahh, Memory ahh, Memory ahh, Memory ahh. (Don't have a Gun.)

And I swear that I don't have a gun
No, I don't have a gun
No, I don't have a gun
No, I don't have a gun
No, I don't have a gun
(Memory ahh, Memory ahh)

Monday, November 14, 2011

Jibber Jabber..

You're welcome.

I wish i can give you guys a thank you card right now.

Because i'm thankful.

I think gettin' a thank you card is such a great feeling.

Every thank you card i get, i like to send back a welcome card... right away.

And in every welcome card, i like to put a gift in it. You know, something to mean my welcome.
I think the best gift you can give someone besides love, ....... is a STARBUCKS gift card.
I mean those things are free...They're just front there on the counter..
You can grab as many of those gift cards you want...
You take those home and you put them with your welcome card..
You sent them out to your friends or family...or your mom...
and you wait like 2 weeks...
And then your mom call you and says some sweet things like ....
Dei.. did you send any money with the STARBUCKS card..?
You just say no... Thats a gift card...
You can put as much money as you want mom...
You're Welcome.

The other day, I walked into my roommate while i was masturbating..
My roomate's actually my girl..
So.. she hates when i call her my roomate..
Especially when im introducing her to other women..

Life savers only work if you're a diabetic..
and wouldn't this world be a cleaner place if we could just give all blind people broom rather than canes..

I wish somebody would open up a restaurant, and name it "Anywhere"...
So finally i can go to the place my girlfriend always talking about...

And at that restaurant, i hope they have "Super Salad"..
Because everytime the ask me if i wanna "Super Salad".. I say Yes! I would love a "Super Salad"...
Is it good? Is it extrodinary...?
And then they say "No sir.. We asked if you want a "Soup or Salad"... not a "Super Salad"...



My Wifi went down 3 days ago.. That's because my neighbours moved out 3 days ago...

They just made it illegal to text message and drive..

I got pulled over for texting and driving, but the policeman let me off because i proved for actually snapping a photo of my penis...

He left me with a RM300 fine and his email address...

You're welcome.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

ytsenoH dna rorriM ,lerriuqS

.ti rof tpa t'nsaw i nosrep tsenoh na gnieb tuoba laiceps gnihtemos s'ereht kniht I esuaceb ro rail doog a saw I esuaceb tsuj ,gniht ym t'nsaw ytsenoH

.elpoep rehto naht elbaulav ro tnatropmi erom sa drow ruoy ekat dna uoy ot netsil yllautca elpoep ekil leef uoy sekam ti dna ,gnihtemos wonk ot tnaw yllaer yeht nehw uoy ot emoc lliw dna nosrep doog a ro erecnis uoy dnif ti etaicerppa ohw esohT .t'nsi nosrep egareva eht esuaceb kcap eht morf trapa uoy stes ti ,drawrofthgiarts si ohw enoemos er'uoy nehw tuB .seil enoyreve dna ,neht dna won yreve seil nosrep egareva eht kniht I

...nehw detrats lla ti ,dezilaer i neht ,deneppah siht woh ,kniht ot deppots i nehw tuB .eno sa delebal gnieb deyojne i dnA .nosrep tsenoh na sa dednarb neeb tahwemos ev’I ,yltnecer tuB

.lerriuqs tep ym htiw desselb saw i nehw detrats lla tI

.uoy sevol tub ,uoy htaol ton lliw ti ,ti ot tnerappa era uoy nehw tub ,semit ta yhs si tI .htiw eb ot dna hctaw ot yoj a dna ,evitisiuqni ,etuc ,yrruf ,gnikrowdrah si tI .erutaerc fo dnik laiceps yrev a si lerriuqs eht ,ees uoY
.ekatsim eht yrub ot seil tuo seldeen ylanoitar hcihw ,ekatsim a timmoc ot nosaer on em gnivig ,tca ym pu denaelc osla ti ,yltneuqesbus .hturt eht llet ot noitatiseh ro raef on leef elba saw I .em fo tuo ytsenoh eht dekovorp ti taht ,noitaroda dna tsurt fo hcum os htiw em derewohs lerriuqs yM

.eno gnieb eunitnoc lliw dna ,efil ym ni rorrim a neeb sah lerriuqs yM .YTSENOH htiw ,esruoc fo ,emas eht od ot uoy sehcaet dna efil s'ti syojne tI .oot ti rof tcepser fo laed taerg a evah i ,yllanosreP

.''rorrim'' ni ,esrever ni nettirw si gniht elohw siht nosaer eht s'taht dnA

.lerriuqs a ,rorrim a yb tuo detcelfer saw ytsenoh ym ,esuaceB

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Seduction - The Ballad of Lakshmi

I didn't want to be called Lakshmi... But they teased me by that name...

It looked so elegant. Stunning in silk. And not to mention it was Red in colour.
I wanted it so badly. The more I looked at it, the more i felt like a woman. More than a woman actually.
It would perfect my intention, my desire. Everything has been done. The transformation is somewhat has been perfected. The only thing left is to have that Silk Red Dress embrace me.
**Swipe**. I bought it.

It's my first night out with him. I'm unaware of who he is; which makes it all the more interesting.
A blind date. I met him on a chat space. We conversed for 6 months before deciding to go on a date.
Tonight is the night. I am nervously ecstatic! I straighten my hair, mascara to the face, foundation, blusher, and lip gloss to dazzle it off.

I arrived to the restaurant 10 minutes late. I walked in, and looked for a man clad in a green shirt; that's what he promised to wear, to be identified. He was looking at his watch; which put a smile on my face. Such a typical man!

I walked towards him, and said hi. He had a suprise look on his face... followed by an air of disgust.
I vaguely heard him utter something, something in repulsion. That's when the whole thing flased before me.
I was blinded by excitement, drowned in my own fantasy.

He stood up, threw the napkin on the table and walked away. I sat there, knowing, although this is just the beginning, i have a whole lot of ocean to swim across, to reach my destination. Even then, i'm not promised a safe landing...

I didn't want to be called Lakshmi... But they teased me by that name... I hated it at first, but as it went on, i could not resist, I could not fight the SEDUCTION of femininity. I wanted it more than anything. I gave up and sacrifised everything i had to become a woman.

I was known as Lakshman, but now.. just call me Lakshmi.